Final Duty – The Alien War Anthology

Three stories, all separated by time, planets, and events, but tied together by war. I’ve been working on a novella and two short stories that I wrote long ago, but never released. I felt they were excellent stories, but I never knew what to do with them. In the end, I decided to publish the stories, totaling about 27,000 words, in a single volume. All are firmly set in the military science fiction subgenre. Here is a synopsis of each.

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A Tribute to Nikki

Nikki was my dog, or perhaps I was her human. Actually, I’m certain that it doesn’t matter. She grew from a tiny puppy on our farm in Washington State. These last few years work has taken me away from the farm more than I would like, but if I was there she was nearby. Whoever was doing the most interesting task, from her perspective, that was who she was with, but she was always close.

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Current Project

Today, I'm rereading and editing three short stories that I wrote while in I was in the navy.

I want to release them in 2013 as an anthology. The first story in this group, The Promise, was written while I was on deployment with the USS Sterett (CG-31) in the western Pacific. I’m certain that writing this story while living in the confined grayness of a navy ship gave it an added sense of realism.

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Halloween Follow-up

Halloween was again a big day here in the village. I think every student between the ages of 5 and 18 went trick or treating and visited my house. There were people both younger and older that knocked on my door, and even a few people I didn’t know—and that’s hard to imagine for a village of fewer than 200 people.

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Halloween and Me

It doesn’t matter how cold or snowy it is on that night, Halloween is a big event in the village. On Halloween in Eek, if you need to talk to someone don’t go looking for them. Just wait at home and they will probably come by with their children or grandchildren.

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A Writer's Day

It was a horrid day to be outside; snow, sleet, and that cold rain that seems to seep inside of you.

So, as much as I could, I stayed inside and wrote. I always feel that I’ve done well after a few hours of writing and this day was no exception. I did some short story editing but mainly worked on my upcoming novel.

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PersonalKyle PrattTeotwawki
Luxuries in Rural Alaska

I’ve known many students who have the daily chore of hauling water to their home or taking the honey bucket to the dump. The first year I taught here I lived in a classroom at the end of the school. The school is one of the few buildings in the village that has running water. Unfortunately, to get to the school restroom, I had to go out one door of the building and back in through another door. I was always afraid I’d walk out some night, forgetting my keys, and freeze to death.

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Bear Beware!

Last year my wife and I were preparing to haul the trash out to the village dump when one of our friends said they had seen bear tracks at the dump. So warned, we drove the ATV out to the dump with a trailer full of trash keeping our eyes open for any movement.

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A Trip to Bethel

The village sits on a bluff just above the river Eek. There are so many lakes, streams, and ponds in this region that most are unnamed. Where there is land it is often marshy. Even in the village, the ground can be spongy this time of year. That is why there are no roads that leave the village.

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Kyle Pratt
The Bear

Finally, I spun around intent on giving him a picture he would remember.

Carlton was ready and took the shot.

My expression has garnered many laughs around the school. My fellow teacher, Dirk, titled it, “Kyle – The Bear,” when he sent me a copy.

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The end of the world

The mushroom cloud consumes the President, his cabinet, the Vice President, senators, representatives, Supreme Court Justices, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff as they gather for the President’s speech. After witnessing the destruction of the capital city, Caden Westmore embarks on a journey to his boyhood home in Washington State, but over the next few days, terrorists attack other cities and society unravels.

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BooksKyle PrattTeotwawki
Now in India

The world of books is changing every day for both authors and readers.

I received an email today from informing me that Titan Encounter is now available in India.

In the past, as an unknown author without a contract with a publisher, I would have to pay to print my books and then try to get bookstores to stock them. Then I would have to somehow market them.

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The day has arrived

"Justin starts one morning as a respected businessman and ends the day a fugitive wanted by every power in the known universe. Fleeing with his ‘sister’ Mara and Naomi, a mysterious woman from Earth Empire, their only hope of refuge is with the Titans, genetically enhanced soldiers who rebelled, and murdered millions in the Titanomachy War."

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