Spring Time is Engine Maintenance Time
Some chores come with each change of the season.
I’m an author, but I live on a small farm. As autumn deepens I usually prepare the equipment we use on our farm for the long, idle, winter months. This includes a pickup truck, chainsaw, tillers, and other machines that are seldom used during the winter. Because of my illness, that didn’t get finished last fall.
But the spring preparations still had to be completed. So, earlier this week I bought quarts of oil, gallons of gas, oil and air filters, and then the next morning started cleaning and changing.
I’m no mechanic so I’m thrilled when I put in new filters, oil, and gas and the engines start. The farm truck had clean oil but little gas so, I added more and it started right up. Yes!
After adding oil and gas the riding mower started, but the push one didn’t. I pulled and cleaned the sparkplug and, after a few chugs, it rumbled back to life.
I replaced the chain on the chainsaw and added its special mix of gasoline and oil. After a few pulls of recoil line, it roared, but a tiller just choked and gasped. This routine continued for several hours until every engine had started.
Each year when I’m done I smell like gasoline and oil and I need a long shower, but I’m happy. This early spring task is done and our little farm is step closer to being ready for the activity of spring and summer.