Merry Christmas

This month’s cover picture is a special one, for a special time of year.

Usually these blogposts are about the pictures, but not this one. As we gather together to celebrate the birth of Christ, I like to reflect upon the blessings of family and faith.  

The cover page of my website is titled, “Finding the narrow path to hope and survival.” Readers of the New Testament will probably spot the Biblical allusion. My books are written for the general audience, but I am a Christian. I don’t try to hide my faith, but it is usually a subplot, more hinted at than explicit. I enjoy writing about good people, but usually not Christians, searching for answers in extraordinary, even post-apocalyptic, situations. My characters search for a means to survive, but they also search for answers to the bigger questions. I know I search for answers. I think we all do.

Over the years my family has strengthened my faith. I haven’t always been a good Christian, but I have been a believer. In those times that I search for direction, my wife has been the lighthouse that guided me. She has also been the one to instill Christian values in our children. Together, as a family, we shine the light down the narrow path for each other. I am very blessed.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year because of faith and family. I hope it is for all my readers. Merry Christmas!

Find previous cover pictures here.