Paperback Writer
The old Beatles song, Paperback Writer, keeps running through my mind because Titan Encounter will soon be available in paperback.
I promise you, my readers, that everyone one of my books will be released in digital form for a reasonable price. However, the sales of my debut science fiction novel, Titan Encounter, are good and growing so, this has prompted me to publish a paperback version of the novel. I’m hoping this becomes a trend.
Titan Encounter paperback covers
We started working on the project in March. Interior design and print editing are now done and, as you can see here, I’ve now received the cover art from Micah Hansen, the graphics designer.
The release date for the Titan Encounter paperback has not been set, but should be early August. The novel will first be available first at Amazon and then at Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold.