In The News
I was interviewed by The Chronicle, my hometown newspaper, earlier this week.
Kyle Pratt in The Chronicle of Lewis county
The reporter, Kyle Spurr, called me the day before I was to leave for Alaska. It was my first interview and I’ve got to admit I was a bit nervous. The article appeared in the paper today.
Just before Through Many Fires was released we sent out press releases to local and regional newspapers. The Chronicle was the first to respond. The reporter had read over our press release and so knew all the basic information about the book, but still spent about 20 minutes on the phone asking me questions. He wanted to know when I first get interested in writing, why I wanted to write about nuclear terrorism and much more. Click on the image if you would like to read the article.
I’m glad The Chronicle called me before I traveled north to Alaska. The interview went well and I’m pleased with the article.