A Bestselling Novel
This has been a really good day.
The mail plane brought me two care packages from my wife and my food order from Bethel. Oh, and my book, Through Many Fires is on two Amazon bestseller lists.
Bestseller List
I’ve been staring at the screen and then refreshing the browser much of the day as the novel climbed up the lists. Just a few minutes ago the book was #11 on Amazon's Science Fiction post-apocalyptic list and #51 on the Mystery & Thrillers list.
In addition to my wife, who has read and reread every draft of the book, there are several people I need to thank. Barbara Blakey did a superb job of editing. Micah Hansen designed a fantastic eye catching cover. Joyce Scott, Bob Hansen and Carolyn Bickel have patiently taught me so much about the craft of writing. Thank you all so much.
I suppose many authors would celebrate on the night that their book became a bestseller. I’m not sure where in Eek, Alaska, I would go to do that so I’m just going to make dinner with some of the food that arrived today, then wash the dishes and try to get some sleep.
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Thrillers Bestseller List
August 20, 2013, Follow-up note: Today Through Many Fires reached #10 on the Amazon Kindle Science Fiction post-apocalyptic list and #39 on the Mystery & Thrillers list.