Still Shaking My Head In Wonder
I’m still Shaking My Head in Wonder.
August was a month I’ll remember for the rest of my life--well September is shaping up to be another.
After the release of my third novel, Through Many Fires, sales rocketed up and earned it a place on two Amazon Kindle bestseller lists. Today it is still #11 on Post-Apocalyptic list and #98 on the Science Fiction and Fantasy list.
However, as sales of Through Many Fires have climbed so have the sales for my other two books, and today all three books are on at least one Kindle bestseller list.
Titan Encounter product details
Titan Encounter, my debut novel was released over a year ago. This novel is a science fiction adventure with religious theme. Sales were always steady, but not enough to earn a spot on the bestseller lists. Recently though, sales have risen and today, as you can see in the picture to the left, Titan Encounter is on three Amazon Kindle bestseller lists.
Final Duty product details
My second book, Final Duty – The Alien War Anthology, consists of a novella and two short stories in the military science fiction genre. I wrote the stories while on various ships during my naval career and, I think, that gave them an added realism.
I’ve always liked these stories, perhaps because they were my first, but after a brief time on the anthology and short story bestseller lists the sales declined and never returned to what I thought it deserved. However, that has recently changed. Sales have jumped and the book is back on both lists.
I’m smiling, but still shaking my head in wonder.