I wanted to start the new year off right and so I arranged to do some promotions.
Readers of my newsletter learned earlier this month about Smashwords discount coupons for my novels. However, that is not the only promotion I am doing this month.
This week, I did another campaign featuring my science fiction novel, Titan Encounter. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Titan Encounter is a science fiction space adventure. I hesitate to make comparisons, but for the purpose of clarity I’ll say Titan Encounter is somewhat like Battlestar Galactica in the way it mixes science fiction and religion, but Titan is Christian friendly.
Part of the BookBlast email
Titan Encounter was featured yesterday on the BookBlast mailing of Free and Bargain Kindle Books. This promotion raised Titan Encounter to the number six spot on the on the Amazon Kindle Christian Futuristic bestseller list.
If you haven’t read Titan Encounter, it will be selling at the promotion price of $1.99 through January 17th.