Meeting Sandy Crowell
I recently met Sandy Crowell as she led a meeting of the Southwest Washington Writers.
This group of local writers is planning a one-day conference for September. She and the others in the group seemed nice so, at the end of the meeting, I volunteered to help.
Sandra Crowell, author of A Land Called Lewis, and Kyle Pratt
A week later, as the next planning meeting wound to a close, Sandy and I were talking about our writing when she mentioned, “I wrote a book called, A Land Called Lewis.”
“I bought that book,” I said. “I’ve got it at home.”
My wife later reminded me that it was a Christmas present from my sons, but I did have it, and when I got home I found it on the shelf. Since receiving it, I have spent many hours reading and leafing through the 200-page volume. For Lewis County, the land I call home, it is the definitive local history book.
Sandy agreed to sign her book at the next planning meeting. While I was there I also got this picture of both of us with it.
I’ll be posting more about the conference the Southwest Washington Writers are planning, in the days ahead.