Pure Publicity
Marketing and publicity are part of being an author but, like most writers, I avoid them.
Kyle Pratt with posters of his first four books.
I’d rather stay in my office typing my next story than go to a party or even most meetings with other authors. It’s not as if I hate people. I don’t but, like most writers, I’m an introvert.
Kyle Pratt with posters of Through Many Fires and A Time to Endure.
However, getting your picture taken can be fun. The pictures here are of me posing with posters of my first four books. They have been hung in the order the books were released. From right-to-left they are, Titan Encounter, Final Duty, Through Many Fires and A Time to Endure.
Now if I could just figure out a way to make all the marketing and publicity as much fun as these pictures.