Braving the Storms Update
The latest paperback copy of Braving the Storms is ready for release!
I received the proof copy of my latest novel today. The copy is identical to what readers get when they order the book and is my last chance to make changes before the release.
Kyle Pratt with the proof copy of Braving the Storms
After this picture was taken my wife sat down and proofed the book. She checks it page-by-page for errors. At this point we’re not looking for manuscript errors so much, as style and format errors, such as incorrect margins, wrong type fonts or pages numbered incorrectly. I’ll check it too, but she is better at proofing the books than I am.
The ebook edition of Braving the Storms is ready and, as long as we don’t find any problems, the paperback edition will go to press tonight. Both editions will be released worldwide on December 18th. Production of the audiobook will begin after Christmas with a release date sometime in late January.
This is an exciting Christmas season!