First Sale
Book three of the Strengthen What Remains series is off to a good start.
Kyle Pratt and and Bill Radtke with the check for book 3.
I haven’t finished the novel or even named it yet, but I’ve sold at least one copy.
Bill Radtke, a friend of mine, is a busy man and has little time to read for entertainment, but he recently bought paperback copies of both Through Many Fires and A Time to Endure. While we talked he asked me about the third book. I told him that I haven’t come up with a title yet, but otherwise, it was coming along fine. I’ve written about 15,000 words and plotted out most of the novel. (You can track my progress on the book here.)
As Bill wrote the check for the first two books he said, “I’m going to add extra for the third book."
I told him it wasn’t necessary, that I would make sure he got a copy, but he insisted. The more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed the idea of selling a book I haven’t finished or even named, so I asked him to pose for this picture with me.
Bill, I hope you enjoy Through Many Fires and A Time to Endure and I will personally deliver your signed first edition copy of the third book (whatever it ends up being called) as soon as they are available.