Letter from a Friend
Yesterday, I received a letter from an old friend.
Several things were unusual about it. First, it was a real letter, the kind you get in the mailbox. I get close to a hundred emails a day, but very few letters. The other thing that immediately caught my attention was the picture that you see here.
Dave Larson with a copy of Titan Encounter
Dave and I were both stationed at R.A.F. Edzell, Scotland over thirty years ago. We worked in the same building even though Dave served in the marines, and I was in the navy. Dave liked to take pictures and always seemed to have a camera. Together, with other friends, we explored the nearby villages, hills and valleys of Scotland. I married Lorraine while stationed there.
I don’t recall who in our group of friends left first, but eventually we all did, to different parts of the world. Even the base ultimately closed. In such cases friends become fond memories of people, places, and events.
I’ve lost touch with most of them, so it was nice to receive the letter from Dave. In it he said that he had just bought my book, Titan Encounter and was looking forward to reading it. I looked up his phone number, called him, and we reminisced for a while.
Send me another letter when you’re done with the book, Dave, and let me know what you thought and we can talk some more.