Things I Forgot
I recently sent out my July email newsletter.
Despite my forgetfulness, there were several things in the email newsletter that I wanted all my readers to know. So, if you receive my free monthly newsletter, you’ve already heard the news below.
The July newsletter of author Kyle Pratt
Braving the Storms
First, the covers for the next book, Braving the Storms, Strengthen What Remains, book three, are out. I’m still writing the last third of the book, but beta-readers and editors are examining every line of the manuscript I’ve written. The graphic artist, Micah Hansen, has been busy creating covers for the paperback, eBook, and audiobook. You can see larger versions of the covers and read the first few chapters (with no spoilers) by clicking here. The book should be out at the end of October.
Deals & Discounts
Every month in my free monthly newsletter I list the latest discounts for my books and audio books so that you, my readers, will receive the best price for any of my books, ebooks and audiobooks. All you need to do is subscribe.
A New Website Feature
I try to find ways that make it easy for you to know what I’m doing. While I’d love it if all my readers regularly visited my blog, I know that is not possible, people are busy. However, you can now subscribe to receive my free weekly email digest of blogposts. Each Monday you’ll receive a single email containing any blogposts I posted the previous week. For more information about this new feature, click here.
If you would like to receive the weekly email digest or the monthly newsletter, go here to sign up.