Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast
I just finished being interviewed by Simon Whistler of the Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast.
Simon Whistler
To paraphrase how Simon starts each program, he interviews successful self-published authors so that his listeners can learn and follow. When I discovered the Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast a couple of years ago, I went back to the first show and listened to every episode. By listening to the interviews I learned many techniques for indie publishing and writing in general. I think every author would benefit from listening.
Simon and I shared a few emails over the last couple of years, but I never thought that I had the sort of compelling story that he often featured on his podcast. Then, recently on his program, he asked people with an interesting journey to self-publishing to send him an email. I decided to let Simon determine if he was interested in my story, and I sent him an email.
That led to more emails and today’s hour long interview. The podcast is scheduled for release on March 24th. I’ve asked Simon to answer a few questions. If he has the time to respond, I’ll add his input to a new blogpost announcing the release, and linking to, the interview.