A Sunday Surprise
Sundays I strive to take time for family.
Okay, that can include watching the Seattle Seahawks game, but my wife is also a fan. However, today I had a few story ideas I needed to write down before kickoff. In my home office, I turned on the computer and soon discovered that Through the Storm has risen to #42 on the Amazon post-apocalyptic bestseller list.
Through the Storm reaches the #42 spot on the Amazon post-apocalyptic bestseller list.
Since the release of the novel, the story has risen from the 750 spot into the top one hundred, and then moved up and down in the double digits. But, before today it had never risen above the fifty spot.
Eight places may seem small, but it sure made me happy.
About those story ideas
At the start of this post, I writing down some story ideas. The success of Through the Storm has prompted me to dive into other stories in the series. This includes one that is called a sidequel. Wiktionary defines it best as, “A type of sequel which portrays events that occur at the same time as the original work, but with different characters in a different setting.”
In this sidequel, I’m focusing on the Major Franklin character that Neal Evans meets on day three of Through the Storm. Readers will see the events that brought them together, but this time through the eyes of the major. I’ll also reveal more about the militia group that raided the park where Neal had spent the night.
I hope to release this as yet unnamed sidequel early in 2018.