On Christmas
I guess I’m just old-fashioned.
In an age where saying “Merry Christmas” is considered a political act, and Christmas for many is just the holiday after Black Friday, I still enjoy this time with my family, a real Christmas tree and candlelight in church and home.
My son, Robert with his fiancee, Carol. In the middle is my son James and on the right is my wife Lorraine. I'm the old guy in the back.
Where we live, in the Pacific Northwest, we often don’t have snow on Christmas, but it is cold. This is a time to stay inside, read a good book or the good book, and put another log on the fire, but most of all this is the to remember and reflect upon the birth of Christ.
The day after Christmas I’ll be back at my desk writing, but between now and then I’m taking as much time as possible to be with family and friends.
For all of my readers, I wish a very Merry Christmas and blessings in the New Year.