You know you live in the country when …
That title could be the start of a joke, but in this case, it isn't. I live near Napavine, in Washington state. The town was incorporated over a century ago and is growing, but still has less than 2,000 people. I guess you could say that it isn’t growing quickly.
On Hamilton Road and turning onto Hamilton Road
Folks tend to start directions by saying, “Go to the stoplight and ….” There are actually two stoplights in town, but the other one just blinks red or yellow at you.
I know my way around and so don’t usually bother to read street signs; however, the other day one caught my attention. I’ve driven through that intersection countless times, but as I gazed at the sign, I had to laugh. Then I turned off my car, got out and walked into the middle of the road and took the picture you see here.
Some might think such things are all a joke, but to me, it’s just part of living in the country.