Free Review Copies
I’ve asked several times for reviewers, and many of you have been very enthusiastic.
Here’s the deal, good reviews help sell books so, I’m willing to make a trade. If you’re willing to provide an honest review, I’ll give you the ebook version of one of my bestselling books.
Many people ask for review copies but not as many actually leave them. I use a site called StoryOrigin to sort out who leaves reviews and who does not. So, after you write the review, return to StoryOrigin and record the link. Positive or negative, if you do that, I’ll be happy to include you as a future reviewer.
The books available for review are shown below.
How To
If you would like a review copy of the Through Many Fires or Seekers of Earth, click on the title hyperlink above for the book you wish to review. You’ll be whisked to a special-page for requesting review copies. There, you’ll be asked a couple of questions and, then the download link will be sent via email in a day or two.
Click on the following links to read my author bio, or to read more about this and other writing projects.