My Kind of Woke
There are many signs of spring on a farm.
Kyle standing by Camden Pond
As I mentioned earlier, my bees are leaving the hive for cleansing flights. The chickens are laying more eggs. Trees and flowers bud, Grass, and weeds, are growing.
This morning I woke to the croak and ribbit of hundreds of frogs. We have a small pond near the back of our house. On one side of the pond, the grass is high and the ground is marshy, perfect for these amphibians. The most common frog on the farm is the Pacific tree frog or Pacific chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla).
One of the tree frogs on the farm
This is the time of year when they gather around calm bodies of water and ensure the continuation of the species. The frog festival will continue for several weeks then tadpoles will start swimming in the waters of the pond.
There are mornings when I rise, open the window, only to return to the comfort of the bed and, for several minutes, listen to the frogs.