I have begun studying for my amateur radio or “ham” license. Well, I’m still studying the book and working with my mentor Lorin Moline and his wife Veda.
Read MoreI know it’s a long way off, but the Southwest Washington Writers Group posted a nice write-up of my upcoming workshop with bestselling author Carolyn McCray on their website today. I liked the title of their blogpost, Amazon vs. The World, so I stole it for this post.
Read MoreOnce again Backdoor Survival featured one of my books!
This month, Backdoor Survival, one of the top survival and prepping websites, featured my latest novel, Braving the Storms, and they’ve highlighted my books before.
Read MoreThe Rocking Self-Publishing Interview recorded earlier is online!
A month ago Simon Whistler, of the Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast, interviewed me. I blogged about it then saying it would be available in a month. That month has gone by quickly. Today Simon released podcast episode number 142, with me as the guest.
Read MoreAn introduction to a career as an Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur
In one of his recent books, author and venture capitalist, Guy Kawasaki, characterized writing in the modern digital age as becoming an APE, an Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur. After reading his book, titled APE, I concluded I already did most of the things he described.
Read MoreI enjoy talking with students interested in a writing career.
Most of the authors I know enjoy talking with students. Established writers should support young writers and promote reading. I spoke on the topic of writing as a career in the digital age at Centralia High School back in November.
Read MoreWe’re already planning the next Southwest Washington Writers Conference.
The rains came down hard and steady today, but still I ventured to downtown Centralia for a meeting at The Station Coffee Bar & Bistro across from the Fox Theatre.
Read MoreAs an author much of my time is spent in my office writing.
So, when I can, I like to get out and interact with people. One of the ways I do that is by attending the concerts of the Pacific Northwest Chamber Orchestra.
Read MoreI just finished being interviewed by Simon Whistler of the Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast.
To paraphrase how Simon starts each program, he interviews successful self-published authors so that his listeners can learn and follow. When I discovered the Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast a couple of years ago, I went back to the first show and listened to every episode.
Read MoreAudible is having a member’s only sale and featuring my novel Through Many Fires.
From February 17th until Saturday, February 20th at 11:59 PM you can buy two great audiobooks for one credit. This is an Audible.com members-only sale, and you must have one credit, or more, available in your account.
Read MoreUnlike many authors, Jennifer is an extrovert.
She denies it, but at a recent character creation workshop, I watched her work the room like a professional speaker. She listed fifty traits on the whiteboard. These ranged from age, gender, and height to hobbies, hometown, and favorite holiday.
Read MoreThe Braving the Storms audiobook is now available.
Narration and production of the audiobook edition of Braving the Storms took less than a month. Even the Audible quality review seemed to go quicker than it had in the past. I certainly expected everything to go smoothly with the talented Kevin Pierce behind the project. This is Kevin’s third production for me and my fifth audiobook overall.
Read MoreThree of my novels are simultaneous bestsellers!
All three of my Strengthen What Remains novels have reached the Amazon War Fiction top ten bestseller list at the same time.
Read MoreI guess it’s only natural for writers to support libraries.
Back in September, I blogged about finding my novel, A Time to Endure, at my local Chehalis library. When I visited the library to get a picture for that September blogpost, my friend Amy, who works there, checked the database and discovered other libraries in the system had copies of Through Many Fires. This surprised me since I’ve never made an effort to get my novels in any library.
Read MoreAs 2016 begins two of my books have reached milestones.
If a reader enjoys one of my stories, I certainly encourage them to write a review. As I mention at the end of many of my books, “the more favorable reviews a book has, the better it sells.”
Read MoreNearly ten months ago I sold the first copy of Braving the Storms.
That was before the book even had a name. I had gone to deliver copies of Through Many Fires and A Time to Endure to my friend, Bill Radtke. I told him he could have them, but he wanted to buy them. That was back on March 20, 2015.
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