Soon to be Released

Facing the Storm, the third book in my Solar Storms Saga will be released in late March. The specific release date hasn’t been set but, the writing and editing are done and the book cover has been created. Now the book design and marketing began. 

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Driving into the Future

My youngest son recently purchased a Tesla Model Y. The other day, he said “Let’s go for a drive.” This was my first time ever touching a Tesla and I had trouble just getting in. For those of you who have never been around the car, the door handles are flush with the body of the vehicle. You press them and they pop out.

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The View from my Doorstep

The winter has been mild, and that often distracts me from my writing.

This morning, as I ate breakfast, several deer wandered into the front yard. At first, I saw only two and informed my wife. If we have apples, she usually tosses one or two to the deer. I got up and looked. There were now six in the yard. I retrieved my camera, and by the time I stepped out to take a picture, there were eight deer.

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I Finally Did It

After years of procrastination, I can finally check this off my bucket list. Yesterday, I passed the amateur radio technician class test. With a bit of luck, I will soon be a ham radio operator. I say “bit of luck” because I’m dealing with the government. My call sign must appear in the Federal Communications Commission license database before I can go on the air. These guys are like the DMV of the airwaves so, who knows how long it will take?

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Morning at the Fair

Just as it was opening this morning, Lorraine and I arrived at the Southwest Washington Fair entrance. It had been hot all week and we had talked about not going, but this morning there was a touch of autumn coolness in the air. So, we jumped in our car and traveled to the cities. I said cities because the fairgrounds are located between the two biggest cities in the county, Centralia with a population of 18,500, and Chehalis with a population of 8,000. I often joke about going to the big city for something, but I like that I live in rural America.

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Let it Snow

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I love a white Christmas, but this is April. Yesterday I awoke to a cold, dark, house. The power had failed, and several inches of snow covered the ground. My wife had a fire roaring in the woodstove by the time I stumbled from the bedroom. After a cup of hot chocolate, heated on the woodstove, I stepped onto the back porch and measured the snow at almost six inches deep.

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Great News for my Friend

Signing a book contract is one of the high points in any writer’s career.

My friend, Debby Lee, has just done that with Barbour Publishing for an 80,000-word romance novel titled, Beneath a Peaceful Moon. I’ve already read most of the novel (even though romance is not my thing) because Debby is a member of the Inklings critique group along with me and five other local writers.

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More Chickens in the Bathroom

My wife is not a fan of roosters.

They can be aggressive with people, and they have sharp talons. Also, they crow, often in the middle of the night. Years ago we had a rooster that I named Colonel. He was never aggressive with me, and I easily slept through his predawn crowing. My wife never liked him. I still think she had him killed.

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A Warm and Dry Day

On the last day of February, the temperature rose to about 54 degrees. That meant I could open the one active hive I had and perform a quick inspection of the bee colony. I knew this colony had survived, but I didn’t know how healthy they were. Dead bees littered the main entrance of the hive.

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The Prerelease Fun Begins

I don’t yet have a book cover for Facing the Storm but, you can read chapter one of the exciting third book of the Solar Storms Saga by clicking on the link here.

In this series, several immense coronal mass ejections have hit the Earth, destroying most modern technologies. Panic, starvation, and chaos spread across the world. The series follows several families as they struggle to survive and restore some semblance of civilization.

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