A Great Complement
The editor of Backdoor Survival compares A Time to Endure to the bestseller Patriots.
It amazes me how often events in life come in pairs. A few days ago I discovered that New York Times best-selling author, and the editor of SurvivalBlog, James Wesley Rawles recommended my novel, Through Many Fires.
A Time to Endure, by Kyle Pratt and Patriots, by James Wesley Rawles
Then Gaye Levy, editor of Backdoor Survival, one of the top survival and preparedness websites, reviewed A Time to Endure, the sequel to Through Many Fires and compared it favorably to Patriots, the first of a five book series, by Rawles. While the series as a whole has been well received the first novel, Patriots, has achieved a cult-like following in the prepper community.
A Time to Endure Compares to Patriots
In the review she states, “Halfway through (A Time to Endure) a lightbulb went off in my head. The...lessons I was learning not only rivaled those in Rawles’ Patriots, but they were kinder, gentler and less militaristic, in nature.” She goes on to say, “Whether you are new to the genre and to prepping, or an old pro like me, consider adding this book to your collection. You will not be disappointed.”
I’m grateful for the review and humbled by the comparison.