Honey Harvest for 2015
The honey harvest this year was very good.
Kyle Pratt ready to harvest from one of his hives.
We have only two hives on our small farm, but even so, the harvest takes nearly all day. After breakfast, we set up the equipment, including our honey extractor (basically an antique hand-crank centrifuge), stainless steel buckets, a couple of food-grade plastic pails, strainers, and assorted tools.
Kyle Pratt harvesting honey.
Then we don all of our protective gear because the bees really don’t like what we are about to do. By nine in the morning we are at the apiary and I pulled off the lid of the first hive. The top of the frames in the honey super were covered with thousands of bees and more were inside. Every bee had to be brushed off before the honey frame could be taken.
By the time my wife and I were done the bees were very mad. That’s why I do the harvest inside. If I harvested outside all those outraged bees would crawl over everything and try to sting me. After I removed the appropriate frames and brushed off the bees, I passed them to my wife. She took them to our garage, where we had everything ready for extraction.
Lorraine Pratt looks over twenty pounds of honey.
When I finished, and closed the hives, I joined my wife inside for the harvest. Using a long knife we cut the comb open and place the frames into the centrifuge. Then I cranked and cranked. It takes a lot of arm work, but the honey soon begins to flow and continues in a slow stream for hours. By the end of the day, my wife and I harvested 308 fluid ounces of honey or over twenty pounds.
Don’t worry about the bees. We take only the excess; most of the honey is left in the hive, so they can eat during the winter.