Book Credits
How many people does it take to create a novel?
Braving the Storms, by Kyle Pratt
Recently I watched X-Men Apocalypse with one of my sons. At the end of the action, we waited to see if there were any post-credit scenes (there is). As we watched the endless scroll of credits we discussed how many people were involved in the production of my last novel, Braving the Storms.
Over the next few days, I jotted down names of people who either worked for me on the novel or volunteered their time. I hope I didn’t forget to include someone on the list below.
Author: Kyle Pratt
Editor: Barbara Blakey
Copy Editor: Joyce Scott
Line Editor: Lorraine Pratt
Cover Design: Micah Hansen
Critique Group: Robert Hansen
Carolyn Bickel
eBook Format: Amit Dey
Audiobook: Kevin Pierce
Beta Reader: William Childress
Office Manager: Lorraine Pratt
Accounting: Robert Pratt, CPA
Legal: Christopher Vandenberg, JD
This doesn’t include people working for distributors such as, Amazon, Nook and iTunes, or the numerous bloggers and reviewers that I speak with on a regular basis.
While my list isn’t nearly as long as the movie credits, it still includes a lot of people, and I’m grateful to every one of them.