Send Me A Picture!
A friend of mine sent me a picture, and that gave me an idea.
Chris reading Braving the Storms
My wife usually gets a worried look when I have ideas, but I think this is a good one. My friend, Jennifer, took a picture of her husband reading my book, Braving the Storms. An idea came to me as I looked at the picture. I’ve received letters and emails from fans across the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Africa. I love to get emails from you, I read every one, but it would even be more interesting with pictures.
People often take books with them on vacation. If you do, it would be great to have a picture of you reading one of my books in an unusual or unlikely setting. So, if you live near a volcano—like I do, or you’re going on an unusual vacation, take my book along and snap a picture. Then send it to me at Even if you’re not on vacation send a picture of you with one of my books. I’d enjoy hearing from you. I’ll post the pictures here, on the website.