Titan Paperback

Titan Encounter came out in paperback today.

The sun was shining and all seemed right with the world this morning when I received word that the paperback version of Titan Encounter was out on Amazon. Thank you to everyone who bought the Kindle version and especially those of you who reviewed it.

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We Have a Title!

Often the hardest task for me is deciding the title of a new book.

For nearly a year I’ve been calling my latest writing project TEOTWAWKI “The End Of The World As We Know It.” That was never going to be the final title, but I needed to call it something. I don’t worry about the title of the book until I’m just about done. Well, I’m just about done.

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BooksKyle PrattWriting, title
Artistic Students

Unfortunately, art is one of those classes that we don’t often offer at Eek School.

We wish we could offer art more often, but reading, Writing and Math take priority and art teachers willing to come to the bush Alaska are hard to find. That doesn’t mean that our students are any less artistic. Art is very much a part of the Yup’ik culture. I wish the students would do more with traditional themes, but for some reason they often like to draw me.

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Here in Eek, Alaska snow still drifts several feet high and covers the ground as far as one can see. The river is still a frozen trail that zigzags by the village. You can still ice fish up here, but the days are getting longer. However, that doesn’t mean I have enough daylight to get everything done. Each day just seems longer and busier.

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Kyle PrattWriting
A Bestseller!

Final Duty - The Alien War Anthology, my second book has been on the Amazon.com Kindle Science Fiction anthology bestseller list for the last two days.

The top 100 books on any Amazon bestseller list are updated hourly and yesterday morning I spotted Final Duty at the number 93 spot. After that, I watched the book climb all day until it reached the number 50 spot.

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Free on Kindle

Free on Kindle today--two of my ebooks!

If you have visited this website before you probably know that on social media I often list books that are being offered free. Well, for the next 24 hours my own books, Titan Encounter and Final Duty, will be free on Kindle.

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Kyle Pratt
Final Duty, Finally Published

My second book, Final Duty, – the Alien War Anthology, is now available on Kindle.

The anthology takes its name from the novella, Final Duty, a 15,000-word story that leads off the book. In that story, Lieutenant Amy Palmer returns to the Altair star system as an officer aboard the reconnaissance ship Mirage twenty years after the death of her father during the Battle of Altair, Almost immediately disaster strikes, and Amy, along with the crew of the Mirage, must face the possibility of performing their final duties.

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Merry Christmas

The temperature was -20 as we waited for the plane to arrive in Eek.

That was last Thursday. The plane arrived on time, thankfully, for the flight to Bethel, Alaska. I stayed the night in Bethel and then caught the morning flight to Anchorage and another plane to Seattle. My youngest son was at the airport to pick me up for the hour and a half drive home. It was a long trip, but thankfully, I arrived home safely late on Friday.

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Christmas with the family

Leaving Eek during the winter is always an iffy proposition. Since we travel in small bush planes, if it is too foggy or windy we can’t fly, but, fortunately, the weather should be good on Thursday. However, the runway lights are broken at the airfield and no one seems to be able to fix them so we must leave during daylight. There isn’t a lot of daylight up here right now.

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