An Evening with Charlie

For the first time in over ten years, I had the chance to see, hear and speak with Charlie Albright.

In 2004 Charlie Albright was a freshman in my civics class at Centralia High School. Even then I knew he would achieve things in life. He worked hard in class and turned in every regular and extra credit assignment. I don’t believe he got less than an “A” on anything.

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Living What I Write

I don’t just write survival or prepper-themed books, I live the life.

Many of the people who aren’t involved in prepping think of those who are as crazy. I think of prepping as insurance against unforeseen problems. Where I live in Lewis County, Washington state, it can flood this time of year. During winter storms the power can go out. I like knowing that I’m prepared.

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Not a Fun Weekend

My vision went crazy on Saturday morning. That is the most concise way to describe it (double vision looking into a fractured mirror might be another). My heart was pounding. Both gradually cleared and an hour later my family convinced me to go to the hospital (stupid to delay, I know, but I’m a guy and like to deny my own mortality).

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PersonalKyle PrattTMI, afib, hospital
Number 1!

Yesterday, Through Many Fires reached number one on the Kindle Science Fiction Military, Post-Apocalyptic, and Dystopian bestseller lists.

During that time, the novel was the number 28th bestselling book on Amazon Kindle. As I write this it is hovering around number 33. This has been the best week of sales since I began publishing my writing.

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