A Meeting with Friends

For many years the Oregon Christian Writers Summer Conference was the only conference that I attended.

These last few years I regularly attend more events, but OCW is the one where I feel most at home. I have friends here. Don’t misunderstand me; this is not some small gathering of casual writers. A few years ago I was eating lunch in the main hall and Frank Peretti asked to sit at my table. I can’t remember what I ate, but I’ll never forget our conversation about his books and writing in general.

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Greetings from OCW

I often feel nervous when I’m on camera.

I’m rarely tense on when on the radio and never when writing, but when I need to put a message out on video my tongue seems to grow fat and slow and I feel stiff.

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Kyle Pratt
A Day at the Fair

Part of country life is the county fair.

I go almost every year, even if it is cool and rainy. Despite the hazy sky, caused by forest fires in Canada, the days of the fair were some of the hottest of the year. It was so hot the organizers had fans blowing mist, for the animals, not the humans. Although, I admit to stopping in the fan breeze a couple of times.

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The Authors Kyle Pratt

There are two authors named Kyle Pratt

My wife received a call today from someone wanting to talk to Kyle Pratt, the author of The Scary Snow Day. Confused, she told them that, while Kyle Pratt is an author, The Scary Snow Day was not one of his books. When I got home she told me about the call and my son looked up the title on Amazon. It seems Kyle Derby Pratt is the author of The Scary Snow Day. My full name is Kyle Douglas Pratt so; we are both Kyle D. Pratt.

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A Winning Novel

I don’t like contests or competitions.

From spelling bees, science fairs, and athletic events in school, I entered only when required and usually lost.

Two years ago, an author friend of mine, Lisa Brunette, won the Book Readers Appreciation Group medallion for her book, Framed and Burning. She had won earlier for Cat in the Flock and, as we talked about her writing, she encouraged me to enter the competition.

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The Deer and Other Animals

The deer spend less time in our backyard now.

Sometimes during the winter, when snow covered every bit of pasture, there would be five or six deer waiting near our backdoor in the morning. My wife would talk to them like friends as she tossed out apples for them to eat. That happens less often during the summer, but they still know that this is a safe and welcome place to come. They often spend the night in the forest just beyond our yard.

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Facebook & Me

Most of the time I’m not fond of Facebook

A social media presence is all but required for authors today and because most people are on Facebook, that platform can be very useful. Facebook can also be very irritating—like throw-something-at-the monitor-and-make-them-go-away, exasperating.

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My Second Readers’ Favorite

Another reason for excitement!

In Five Stars of Excitement, a blogpost from earlier this month, I announced that Through the Storm had received a 5-Star review from the Readers’ Favorite organization. Shortly after submitting Through the Storm for review I also sent in Seekers of Earth. I am proud to announce that Seekers of Earth has now also received a 5-Star rating from Readers’ Favorite.

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Five Stars of Excitement

One more reason to be grateful!

When browsing, customers judge a book by the cover (despite the saying) and by the reviews. That is why I’m so very grateful that readers of Through the Storm have left overwhelmingly positive reviews. Now I have another reason to be grateful.

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Conference Season

Right now I’m planning on attending two conferences.

I could add more, but in August I will be at the Oregon Christian Writers Conference and in September I’ll attend the Southwest Washington Writers Conference. So, why am I writing about them now?

Because the work and planning have already begun.

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Kyle Pratt