The Olympics Got in the Way

It’s not my fault—it’s the Olympics.

Last month, I said I would take some time off to watch the Olympics, but writing will dominate my days. It didn’t quite work out that way. Oh, I did take some time off, but writing didn’t dominate my days. I’ve always enjoyed the bobsled, luge, skeleton, ski jumping, hockey, and snowboarding—okay, I like many of the events, but during these games my youngest son and I, both developed a keen interest in curling.

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Writing Every Day

February is a short month and I didn’t get as much done last month as I intended.

Nearly every working day of this month will be devoted to writing and editing the sidequel and sequel to Through the Storm. Okay, I will take some time off to watch the Olympics—but writing will dominate my days.

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Surviving the Winter

My bees have survived winter – at least so far.

A few days ago the temperature rose into the low fifties. Between rain showers, I hurried out to inspect both of my hives. I didn’t have to open them to know the most important news, as of that day in late January both colonies had survived the winter.

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New Year Resolutions

At this time of year, it’s natural to set goals.

Last year I called this blogpost A Janus Look. Janus was the Roman god of beginnings and endings. He looked both into the future and to the past and that’s what I do at this time of year, look back over the past year, evaluate what I’ve done, and set goals for the year ahead. So, here is my 2018 look back into the past and into the future.

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Reflection, Faith, & Family

For me, Christmas and the week or so before it are a time for reflection, faith, and family. I try hard to work less and spend more time reading and with family. At this time of year, I try to read the first two chapters of Luke about the birth of John the Baptist and Christ.

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Video, FaithKyle PrattChristmas
Night of Writing Dangerously

I may never win NaNoWriMo, but I enjoy taking part.

During the month of November, several hundred thousand people worldwide take part in National Novel Writing Month or simply, NaNoWriMo. The annual writing event started in 1999, but I didn’t hear of it until about eight years ago.

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My Busy Friend Debby

Debby Lee, my friend, fellow author, and Inklings critique partner announced today that she’s starting work on her fifth anthology with Barbour Publishing!

The Mountain Christmas Brides, Courageous Brides, and Pony Express Romance Collection have all been released and are available on her Amazon Page.

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A Sunday Surprise

Sundays I strive to take time for family.

Okay, that can include watching the Seattle Seahawks game, but my wife is also a fan. However, today I had a few story ideas I needed to write down before kickoff. In my home office, I turned on the computer and soon discovered that Through the Storm has risen to #42 on the Amazon post-apocalyptic bestseller list.

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Climbing Higher

I’d like to be on top, but I’ll settle for the slow climb.

There is a saying in the writing world that an author is only as good as their latest book. Now with computers and the internet, many authors can check their sales and rank in near real-time. This can be both a good thing and bad.

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Through the Storm Released

The worldwide release of my latest novel, Through the Storm, occurred this morning—while I slept actually.

Despite my sleeping through the moment, I am excited about this new story. The ebook was released today. Because of a few logistical problems, the paperback will come out later this week and the audiobook next month.

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Publicity is Good

It usually surprises me when my local paper, The Chronicle, has a story that mentions me. I’m not complaining, they have written some really nice things about me. It’s just I rarely know when these articles will appear. I’ve sent them story ideas and even press releases and seen nothing in the paper and then suddenly something large and really nice like this full-page spread in the Life section will appear.

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